Bawean-Hirsch Axis kuhli (Miller and Schlegel, 1844)


English: Kuhl’s Deer or Bawean Deer; French: Cerf de Bawean; Bahasa Java: Menjangan Bawean; Bahasa Sunda: Uncal Bawean; Indonesian: Rusa bawean.

Former distribution: As now.
Present distribution: Bawean Island, (Pulau Bawean).
Behaviour: See Schweinshirsch
Population status: Endangered. Estimated numbers: 200-500.
Brief notes: See Schweinshirsch
Hunting methods: Stalking, high seat, with dogs.
Remarks: Very little is known about the behaviour, biology and population status of Kuhl’s Deer. Information required. Their decrease is due to loss of habitat. Fortunately 50 animals are being held in the Surabaja Zoo.
