Hunters Leierantilope Damaliscus hunteri (Sclater, 1889)


English: Hirola; French: Damalisque de Hunter; Bambara: Tankòu; Galla: Blanketta; Kirundi: Inyemera; Kiswahili: Nyamera; Somali: Aholi, Hirola

Former distribution: As now.
Present distribution: Between Tana River in Kenya and Juba River in Somalia. Introduced into Tsavo National Park.
Behaviour: Preferred habitat: semi-arid grass and thorn-bush plains in low areas. They are grazers and active at twilight; gregarious and form small herds. Predators include lions, leopards, cheetahs, wild dogs and hyenas.
Population status: Rare. Protected by law in Kenya and Somalia.
Estimated numbers in Kenya: 13 000. In Somalia: no records.
Brief notes:
Body weight: 80-100 kg
Head and body length: 180-200 cm
Tail length: 30-40 cm
Shoulder height: 100-120 cm
Gestation period: 7 1/2-8 months
Maximum age: 12-15 years
Trophy: Record SCI: 69 3/8 score, 1969, Kenya, LEONARD „BUD“ SCHILLA; average 62 score. RW’s: 28 1/2″, 1953, Kenya, H. KLEIN; average 23″.
Hunting methods: Stalking with trackers.
Remarks: Information required on population status in Kenya and Somalia: heavy decrease in Somalia presumed. Habitat destruction due to agricultural developments and overgrazing by domestic livestock may be one of the reasons for declining populations.

