Nyala Tragelaphus angasi (Gray, 1849)


English: Nyala; French: Nyala; Afrikaans: Nyala Bosbok; Shangan: Nyala; Shona: Nyara; Sindebele: Shangana Tsonga; Xhosa: Nyala; Yoruba: Agbonrin; Zulu: Inxala.

Former distribution: As now?
Present distribution: South-eastern Africa; Malawi (Lengwe and Mwabwi Game Reserve); Mozambique, north of Zambesi river and south-east between Zambesi and Malawi border; Zimbabwe north-east in the Zambesi valley, Krüger Park and north-eastern Natal (Ndumu Game Reserves). Introduced into RSA to Loskop Dam Nature Reserve, to part of the eastern Cape Province and in Zimbabwe into the Kyle Game Reserve, central Ethiopia, Arussi Mountains.
Behaviour: Preferred habitat: thick bush, dry savanna woodlands. They are gregarious and form herds of up to 30, being active at twilight and by day. They are predominantly browsers on leaves, also eating twigs, flowers, tree fruits, grasses and bark of the baobab, berries. Predators include leopards, hyenas, baboons and sometimes lions.
Population status: Stable in parks and reserves, vulnerable in all other regions. Estimated numbers: no records.
Brief notes:
Body weight: 110-140 kg
Head and body length: 180-210 cm
Tail length: 45-55 cm
Shoulder height: 110-130 cm
Gestation period: 220 days
Maximum age: 16 years
Trophy: Record SCI: 82 4/8 score, 1984 RSA, MARK KAHLICH; average 63 score. RW’s: 32 7/8″, Mozambique, F.O. NOOME; average 27″. CIC: 184.20 points, Mozambique, L. TELLO; average 140 points.
Hunting methods: Stalking.
Remarks: Information required on population status.

