Sansibarducker Cephalophus adersi (Thomas, 1918)


English: Ader’s Duiker; French: Céphalophe de Zanzibar; Kikuyu: ng’unu; Kiswahili: Funo; Maasai: erong’o.

Former distribution: As now.
Present distribution: Zanzibar, coast of Kenya and Tanzania.
Behaviour: See Rotflankenducker
Population status: Rare?
Brief notes:
Body weight: 10-12 kg
Head and body length: 65-75 cm
Tail length: 9-12 cm
Shoulder height: No records
Gestation period: 7 1/2-8 months
Maximum age: No records
Trophy: Record RWs: 1 1/2″, 1968 Kenya, Sokoke-Arabkoi Forest, J.S. SMITH; average 1″.
Hunting methods: With beaters, dogs, nets and from a hide.
Remarks: Ader’s duiker seems to be related to Cephalophus natalensis; if this classification is correct it must be reconfirmed; this form was classified from the existence of only one skin from the coast of Kenya or Tanzania. More information required on biology, distribution and population status. No drawing available.

